Trademark service

Reasons for registering trademark

Materials required for trademark registration


Signed scanned copy of ID card for both front and back

Signed scanned copy of business license

The samples of the trademarks logo


The scanned copy of business license with official seal

The samples of the trademarks logo

Materials provided by Shnfan

Power of attorney

Information Sheet

Procedures for registration of trademarks

Full Process Service PATENT

Common problems

Can trademarks be registered in 100% success rate?

No, it's a fraud to say that a trademark is 100% guaranteed to register successfully.There are three inherent factors that influence the success rate of trademarks: "the blind period of retrieval", "the examiner's subjective judgment" and "the objection period". Any of these three factors may lead to the failure of trademark registration, which is inevitable.However, our company will make all efforts to improve the success rate of trademark registration for you to safeguard the trademark.

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Does get the acceptance notice mean that the trademark has been registered successfully?

No, the receipt of the notice only indicates that the trademark has been accepted by the trademark office. After the formal examination, it needs to be examined in substance, and the trademark is registered successful only after examination is finished and receiving official notice of registration.

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Can trademark be examined in an expedited way?

No, trademark examination has a statutory deadline a prescribed process. No one can change the period without authorization.

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Is there a green channel for registered trademarks?

No, there is no green channel for the registered trademark. The institution that says it has a green channel is a swindler.

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Can the trademark be used after expiration?

Yes, when the trade mark expires, it can be used only after a renewal of the trademark. The renewal period is 10 years, and it can be renewed around the expiration date.

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What can we do if the trademark is failed to examine ?

In general, there is a small possibility that formal examination will fail to pass, and failing to pass the examination will only occur at the stage of substantive examination. If the substantive examination fails, the trademark office will issue a notice of rejection (or partial rejection) for the trademark. The examiners' subjective consciousness plays an important role in the examination stage. Therefore, if the trademark is rejected, it needs to be analyzed according to the rejection notice issued by the trademark office. If so, the reexamination can be conducted to obtain the trademark right.

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